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Lectures and other contributions to public events in English (since 2014)
- Presentation on the work of the Comité Maritime International on the restatement of the Lex Maritima, 5. Bremer Konferenz zum Maritimen Recht, Bremen, Germany, 22 November 2019
- Presentation on the legal aspects of the commercialisation of the Port of Limassol, Annual Conference of the European Maritime Law Organisation, Limassol, Cyprus, 17 October 2019
- Presentation of an interim report on the work of the International Working Group of the Comité Maritime International on the Lex Maritima, CMI Colloquium 2019, Mexico City, 30 September 2019
- Presentation on unmanned ports at the International Conference on Unmanned Shipping, University of Oslo, Norway, 12-13 June 2019
- Presentation on ‘The EU Seaports Regulation and mooring services’, Round table organised by EBA (the European Boatmen Association) and ANGOPI (the Italian boatmen association), Trieste, Italy, 17 May 2019
- Keynote speech on EU port law and Brexit, Spring Seminar of the European Maritime Law Organisation, Antwerp, Belgium, 5 April 2019
- Presentation on the green status of ports, 4th Hamburg International Environmental Law Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 4 April 2019
- Presentation ‘The EU Seaports Regulation in ports of Northern Europe’, Conference ‘Il futuro della portualita in Europa’, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy, 16 November 2018
- Meeting of the Internal Working Group on the Lex Maritima to the General Assembly of the Comité Maritime International at IMO Headquarters, London, UK, 9 November 2018
- Report on the Internal Working Group on the Lex Maritima to the General Assembly of the Comité Maritime International at IMO Headquarters, London, UK, 9 November 2018
- Presentation ‘Codification and unification of maritime law: friends or foes?’, Xth European Colloquium on Maritime Law Research on Codification of Maritime Law, Toruń, Poland, 20-21 September 2018
- Presentation ‘Smart Ports: The (Potential) Regulatory Agenda’ at the International Colloquium ‘New Technologies and Shipping/Trade Law’, Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, 10-11 September 2018
- Presentation on ‘Port labour and the TFEU’, 24th International Competition Law Forum ICF, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 27 April 2017
- Public defence of the doctoral thesis of Frank Stevens on ‘The Bill of Lading: Holder Rights and Liabilities’, University of Ghent, Belgium, 18 January 2017
- Presentation ‘The legal regime of unmanned merchant shipping’, UK Marine Autonomous Systems Regulatory Working Group, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK, 16 November 2016
- Lectio magistralis ‘The notion of a ship in the new Belgian Shipping Code’, University of Bologna, Italy, 30 June 2016
- Presentation on port labour reform in the EU, Annual Conference of the Spanish Maritime Law Association, Madrid, Spain, 16 June 2016
- Presentation ‘Towards a compilation of selected principles of the Lex Maritima’, Conference of the Comité Maritime International, New York City, USA, 4 May 2016
- Presentation ‘The legal regime of unmanned merchant shipping’, Conference of the Comité Maritime International, New York City, USA, 4 May 2016
- Presentation ‘Unmanned ships, unmanned ports, and the pilot: revolution or ‘fait divers’?’, 50th General Meeting of the European Maritime Pilots’ Association, Antwerp, Belgium, 22 April 2016
- Presentation ‘Unmanned Ships – The Regulatory Framework’ at the International seminar on autonomous vessels for inland waterways, University of Leuven, Belgium, 18 March 2016
- Presentation ‘Unmanned Ships – The Regulatory Framework’ at the Conference ‘Autonomous Vehicles: Innovation and Regulation hand in hand’, Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport, Brussels, Belgium, 4 December 2015
- Presentation ‘Unmanned Ships – The Regulatory Framework’, Europort Master Classes, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 4 November 2015
- Presentation on ‘Unmanned Ships – Reality or Fiction?’, Lunch meeting of the Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA), Antwerp, Belgium, 5 June 2015
- Presentation on the draft Belgian Shipping Code, Meeting of EU Secretaries-General for Transport organised by the Belgian Federal Public Service for Mobility and Transport, Brussels, Belgium, 28 November 2014
- Presentation on the new Belgian Shipping code, Session on maritime codification, Comité Maritime International (CMI), German Parliament, Berlin, Germany, 19 June 2014
- Presentation ‘Towards a worldwide restatement of the general principles of maritime law’ at the 8th European Colloquium on Maritime Law Research (ECMLR), Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 11-12 September 2014
- Presentation on ‘Legal rules on Voyage Data Recorders and their implications, with special attention to the legal position of maritime pilots’, Annual meeting of the European Maritime Pilots’ Association, Antwerp, Belgium, 28 March 2014
Lectures and other contributions to public events in Dutch (since 2014)
- Lecture on the political and legal history of the Scheldt River, Seniors’ Academy of the Catholic University of Louvain, Antwerp, Belgium, 19 May 2022
- Lecture on European port law, Postgraduate course in Port Management, Ghent University, Belgium, 13 October 2021
- Lecture on the new Belgian Shipping Code, Training Programme for the Belgian Judiciary organized by Institut de Formation Judiciaire / Instituut voor Gerechtelijke Opleiding, Antwerp, Belgium, 8 October 2020
- Lecture on the political and legal history of the Scheldt River, Eurojuris Belgium / Eurojuris Nederland (a European network of lawyers and law firms), Antwerp, Belgium, 5 March 2020
- Lecture on the new Belgian Shipping Code, Belgian Maritime Law Association, Antwerp, Belgium, 8 November 2019
- Lecture on European port law, Postgraduate course in Port Management, Ghent University, Belgium, 16 October 2019
- Speech at a lunch event on the Belgian Shipping Code with Minister Philippe De Backer organised by the Royal Belgian Ship Owners’ Association, Antwerp, Belgium, 9 May 2019
- Presentation ‘Innovatie in scheepvaart en havens: mag het wel?’ (‘Innovation in Shipping and Ports: Is it allowed?’) at a ‘Flows Ontbijtsessie’ (‘Flows Breakfast Session’ for port professionals), Ekeren, Belgium, 24 January 2019
- Lecture on European port law, Postgraduate course in Port Management, Ghent University, Belgium, 17 October 2018
- Lecture on ‘The EU Seaports Regulation’, Maritime Training for the Belgian Judiciary organized by the Institute for Judicial Training (IGO – IFJ), Antwerp, Belgium, 19 October 2017
- Lecture on European port law, Postgraduate course in Port Management, Ghent University, Belgium, 18 October 2017
- Keynote address on the future of the labour market in inland navigation, Annual dinner of the Centraal Bureau voor de Rijn- en Binnenvaart (the main association of Dutch barge owning companies), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 18 November 2016
- Lecture on the draft Belgian Shipping Code, Belgian Maritime Law Association, Antwerp, Belgium, 27 October 2016
- In-depth lecture on the law of concessions, Afternoon seminar organised by Vanden Broele Publishers, Ghent, Belgium, 25 October 2016
- Lecture on European port law, Postgraduate course in Port Management, Ghent University, Belgium, 19 October 2016
- Presentation of the public law part of the Draft Belgian Shipping Code, organised by the Maritime Law Commission and the Federal Public Service for Mobility and Transport, Brussels, Belgium, 18 July 2016 (partly in French)
- Presentation ‘The legal regime of unmanned merchant shipping’, 20th Maritime Symposium, Maritime Institute of the University of Ghent, Belgium, 11 May 2016
- Presentation on the legal aspects of autonomous vessels, International working seminar on autonomous vessels for inland waterways, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, 18 March 2016
- Presentation on the competitive strength of Flemish ports, Flemish Port Lunch, Antwerp, Belgium, 3 March 2016
- Lecture on the political and legal history of the Scheldt River, Heemkundige Kring (‘Local Heritage Circle’), Terneuzen, the Netherlands, 11 February 2016
- Lecture on 20 years of the legal framework for autonomous municipal and provincial undertakings, Training organised by Knops Publishing, Ghent, Belgium, 4 February 2016
- Lecture on 20 years of the legal framework for autonomous municipal and provincial undertakings, Training organised by Knops Publishing, Leuven, Belgium, 28 January 2016
- Lecture on the political and legal history of the Scheldt River, University of Hasselt, Belgium, 25 January 2016
- Presentation ‘Het Spaanse havenarbeidersarrest (C-576/13)’ (‘The Spanish Port Labour Judgment (C-576/13)’), Colloquium of the Belgo-Dutch law review ‘Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht’ (‘Transport and Law Review’), Vlaardingen (Rotterdam), the Netherlands, 20 March 2015
- Evening lecture on the political and legal history of the Scheldt River, cultural association ‘Orde van den Prince, Plantiniana’, Antwerp, Belgium, 25 September 2014
- Lecture on EU law and policy relating to port labour, Masterclass Breakbulk organised by Portilog, Antwerp, Belgium, 8 May 2014
- Evening lecture on the political and legal history of the Scheldt River, cultural association ‘Orde van den Prince, Heerlykheid Bevere’, Beveren, Belgium, 8 April 2014
- Presentation on the legal aspects of the carriage of dangerous goods in the Mekong Region, APEC Seminar on transportation of dangerous goods on inland waterways, Antwerp, Belgium, 20 February 2014
- Speech on EU law and policy with regard to port labour, Evening event on ‘Bringing Europe to Antwerp’ organised by Philippe De Backer MEP, Antwerp, Belgium, 12 February 2014
- Evening lecture on the political and legal history of the Scheldt River, cultural association ‘Orde van den Prince, Noorderkempen’, Kalmthout, Belgium, 23 January 2014