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Sélection de chapitres de livres et d’articles de revues (depuis 2014)
- ‘Der Entwurf der CMI Lex Maritima wurde veröffentlicht’, [2024] Transportrecht, pp. 193-195 et 236-267
- ‘Het ontwerp van CMI Lex Maritima is klaar’, [2024] Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht, no. 4, 115-117
- ‘De Belgische stuwadoor na de afschaffing van het stuwadoorsarrest: enkele beleidsgerichte bedenkingen’, [2024] Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht, no. 4, 99-101
- ‘Restatement of the Lex Maritima. Half-yearly Report (January – June)’, CMI Yearbook 2023, Anvers, Comité Maritime International, 2024, pp. 225-226
- ‘The CMI project for a Declaratory Statement of the Lex Maritima: state of play’, [2023] Journal of International Maritime Law, pp. 382-385
- ‘Le projet de Lex Maritima du CMI vient d’être publié’, [2024] Droit maritime français, pp. 992-997
- ‘Le développement de la domanialité portuaire belge et son inspiration française (1804-2023)’, [2023] Droit maritime français, pp. 597-602 et 744-752
- ‘Seaport PPPs in the EU: Policy, Regulatory, and Contractual Issues’, in Hakim, S., Clark, R.M. et Blackstone, E.A (Eds.), Handbook on Public-Private Partnerships in Transportation, Vol I, Cham, Springer-Science, 2022, pp. 129-152
- ‘Maritime Safety in Belgium: An overview of the legal framework’, dans Nawrot, J. et Pepłowska-Dąbrowska, Z. (Eds.), Maritime Safety in Europe. A Comparative Approach, Abingdon, Informa from Routledge, 2021, pp. 65-73
- ‘Het Belgisch Scheepvaartwetboek en het nieuwe privaatrechtelijke zeerecht’ (‘Le Code belge de la Navigation et le nouveau droit maritime privé’), [2020] Revue de Droit du Commerce International et des Transports, n° 3, pp. 248-292
- ‘The EU Seaports Regulation, the law of public procurement and concessions, and port terminal contracts’, dans Flamey, P. et De Koninck, C. (Eds.), Chronique des Marchés Publics 2018 – 2019 / Jaarboek Overheidsopdrachten 2018-2019, Bruxelles, EBP Publishing, 2020, pp. 726-749
- ‘Die EU-Seehafenverordnung’, [2020] Transportrecht, pp. 4-21
- ‘Unification and codification of maritime law: friends or foes?’, dans Nawrot, J. et Pepłowska-Dąbrowska, Z. (Eds.), Codification of Maritime Law: Challenges, Possibilities and Experience, Abingdon, Informa from Routledge, 2020, pp. 10-16
- ‘The fiscal regime of port authorities under EU State aid law’, [2019] Droit européen des transports, pp. 525-526 (note sur l’arrêt du Tribunal dans l’Affaire T-696/17)
- ‘The environmental provisions of the EU Seaports Regulation’, [2019] Zeitschrift für europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht (EurUP), pp. 437-451
- ‘The EU Seaports Regulation’, [2019] 4 The Journal of International Maritime Law, pp. 273-296
- ‘De EU-Zeehavenverordening. Een beknopte inleiding’, [2019] 6 Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht, pp. 174-182
- ‘Some considerations on the position of mooring services under the EU Seaports Regulation’, [2019] 4 Porti & Servizi Tecnico Nautici, pp. 38-49
- ‘Alcune considerazioni sulla posizione del servizio di ormeggio nell’ambito del Regolamento Europeo sui Servizi Portuali’, [2019] 4 Porti & Servizi Tecnico Nautici, pp. 38-49
- ‘Le Règlement (UE) sur les ports maritimes – une brève introduction’, [2019] Droit maritime français, pp. 834-841 et 928-938
- ‘Botport law. The regulatory agenda for the transition to smart ports’, dans Soyer, B. et Tettenborn, A. (éds.), New technologies, artificial intelligence and shipping in the 21st century, Abingdon, Informa from Routledge, 2020, pp. 90-104
- ‘The renaissance of maritime codes. A need for international guidance’, [2015] The Journal of International Maritime Law, pp. 5-6
- ‘The Spanish Dock Labour Ruling (C-576/13). Mortal Blow for the Dockers’ Pools’, [2015] 4-5 Droit européen des transports, pp. 551-581 et [2016] 7-8 Transportrecht, pp. 275-289
- ‘Towards a worldwide restatement of the general principles of maritime law’, [2014] 20 The Journal of International Maritime Law, pp. 170-182
- ‘The law of unmanned merchant shipping – an exploration’, [2014] 20 The Journal of International Maritime Law, pp. 403-421